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Autor Leo Jerki?   
Četvrtak, 26 Siječanj 2017 13:54

Investicije u priobalne vjetroelektrane u Europi tijekom prole godine sruile su sve rekorde sa ukupno 18,2 milijardi eura, to je porast od 40% u odnosu na godinu ranije.

Prema podacima koje je objavio WindEurope, tim iznosom je financirano 4,9 GW novih priobalnih vjetroelektrana, pri ?emu je najve?i dio financiranja ostvarila Velika Britanija sa 10,5 milijardi eura, druga je Njema?ka sa 4,3 milijarde eura, Belgija tre?a sa 2,3 milijarde eura, a Danska ?etvrta sa milijardu eura.

Unato? rekordnom financiranju instalirana snaga je pala za 48% tokom prole godine, rije? je o 1.558 MW kroz 338 vjetroagregata. Njema?ka je dodala 813 MW, Nizozemska 69 MW, a Velika Britanija 56 MW. Samo te tri drave su instalirale nove vjetroagregate tokom prole godine.

U cijeloj Europi trenutno je instalirano 12,63 GW priobalnih vjetroelektrana, dok je prosje?na veli?ina instaliranog vjetroagregata u proloj godini narasla sa 4,2 MW na 4,8 MW.

Tijekom ove godine se o?ekuje 3 GW novih instalacija, s tim da bi do 2020. Europa trebala imati instalirano 25 GW priobalnih vjetroelektrana.


Tags:     europa      priobalne vjetroelektrane      investicije      windeurope      vjetroagregati      velika britanija      njema?ka
Komentari (3)
Love Spells To Bring Back Lost Lovers Just By A Photo In Pietermaritzburg South Africa And Posorja In Ecuador Call ☏ +27782830887 Native African Traditional Healer In New York United States And Izvoare Commune in Romania
3Petak, 08 Prosinac 2023 05:22
Healer Services And Love Spell Caster
Love Spells To Bring Back Lost Lovers Just By A Photo In Pietermaritzburg South Africa Call ☏ +27782830887 Native African Traditional Healer In New York United States,

Love Spells are in different forms and work differently depending on one’s interest and problem, among them include the following: (+27782830887) Strong Love Spells, Easy Love Spells, and Powerful Love Spells. Real Love Spells, Strong divorce spells, Lovers Spells, Spell Casting Protection Spells Voodoo Dolls of love. Heal yourself now with powerful spells in the field of Love success; Prof Musa plays an important role in black or white Love Spells. And some of the white Love spells are Marriage Spells, Witch Craft Spells of Lust Spells, attraction love spells, binding love spells, are in demand. Love Spells for New Love or Love Spells to Attract new Love are very common spells. Looking for Powerful Love Spells to attract new love or spells to attract new love. Come here where many powerful love spells are available. Love spells can be used as Protection Spells especially to Protect Marriage or Divorce as Marriage Spells. Break up Spells or Breaking Love Spells or Divorce Spells. Sometimes Love Spells are used to get back your Lost Love, Break up spells, or Love Spells, who is with someone else. Like Anti Love Spells or Love Separation Spells or to attract your Lost Spells.

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2Nedjelja, 11 Srpanj 2021 16:14
Effective Lost Love Spells Caster +27735257866 in South Africa,UK,USA,Spain,Italy,Canada,UAE,Malta,Brunei,Japan,Ireland,Turkey,Luxembourg,Iceland,Norway,Australia,Qatar,Croatia,Austria,Denmark,Netherlands,Romania,Belgium,Greece,Belarus,New Zealand,Switzerland,Cyprus,Poland,Estonia,Egypt,Fiji,Wales,Bahamas,Taiwan,Indonesia,Singapore,Czech Republic,Serbia,Palau,Lithuania,Malaysia,France,Bulgaria,German,Jordan,Chile,Algeria,Zambia,Zimbabwe,Botswana,Lesotho,Sweden,Philippines,Honduras,Finland,Hungary,Mexico,Macedonia,Argentina,Syria,China,Hong Kong,Myanmar,Kuwait,South Korea,Morocco,Tunisia,Libya,Sudan,San Marino,Israel.. Witchcraft Love Spells are among the most powerful love spells ever known on the earth. I am honest, and I genuinely care for all the clients who choose me to cast a spell for them. Enhance your life, relationships, business and abilities using traditional muthi & traditional spell casting that may help make your desires come true. This is the right place where you can acquire the most potent and authentic spiritual help, Am a powerful Spell Caster with powerful love spells, to help Fix marriage problems, financial problems, court cases, business success and reuniting lovers. Contact maamarazaq 24/7 call or Whatsapp +27735257866 or
1Nedjelja, 03 Studeni 2019 12:27
Marie Alice
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